Divorce/Financial Settlement – contact Mayuri Sarathchandra
With borders seemingly getting nearer every year and the cosmopolitan mix of our society, the prospect of there being an ‘international’ element to your family affairs becomes more and more real. If either you or your spouse is domiciled in England or Wales or the marriage took place in England or Wales then our Courts have jurisdiction to deal with the legal issues in relation to your marriage. This is a matter which needs to be considered carefully, after having received expert advice, as the applicable law under English legal principles and English Court procedural matters may be more beneficial to you. This is especially important if the ‘foreign’ Court does not conduct proceedings in English. Also although the Hague Convention and EC legal instruments (Brussels II also known as ‘BIIR’) ensure that its signatories (the UK are signatory to both) operate in accordance with well settled legal principles, they operate on a ‘first come, first served’ basis which means that the Court in which the divorce proceedings are first issued will be ‘seised’ of the matter and it is that country’s legal principles and legal procedures which will take precedence.
Mayuri Sarathchandra has considerable expertise and experience in this area of law. Her thorough and careful approach to legal issues makes her well-suited to dealing with international family law. Although we would suggest that it is better for international family law issues to be dealt with under our ‘bespoke’ scheme, we are very happy to consider dealing under fixed fee interview or our fixed fee divorce scheme if feasible.
We are prepared to provide you with a 30 minute fixed fee interview by telephone or Skype if you wish to consider matters before formally instructing us.
Bastian Lloyd Morris LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Registered in England under company no: OC329737.