The problem with new and advanced technology is that it often gives rise to new and advanced criminal activity, as well as new and advanced criminal offences. It is a well-known truism that the ingenuity of the inventors is matched only by the ingenuity of the criminals! This is exemplified by the fact that until relatively recently there was no such thing as ‘cyber-crime’.
Actually until very recently, the last few years or so, there was no such thing as ‘revenge porn’. The offence involves uploading indecent pictures of someone (often involved in sexual activity) without their knowledge or consent. The offence has become more prevalent, as social media platforms have multiplied and become more available. The crime is almost overwhelmingly committed by men, and it often attracts a custodial sentence, which is a reflection of the fact that the pictures posted are often extremely graphic in nature.
Revenge porn is an extreme example of domestic abuse, as it involves control, emotional and psychological harm, and can even lead to suicide in the most severe cases. It ranks amongst the worst instances of betrayal, and the pictures are often accompanied by scandalous comments, implying prostitution, low morals and even paedophilia. In these circumstances, the law has to ensure that sentences are not only a reasonable deterrent but also a proper reflection of society’s disgust.
Recently, the first woman was convicted of the offence.
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